About Us

Chichester Jazz Club was formed in 1991. Outgrowing its earlier venues, it is now based at the spacious Pallant Suite in South Pallant near the city centre (Click here for map) where it features top-quality musicians in a friendly setting.

The Suite includes a specially lit stage, a regularly tuned, quality upright piano, first class sound, a comfortable auditorium, all seated, some at tables. A bar is open throughout the evening serving drinks at sensible prices. All facilities are on the ground floor. Wheelchair access and toilet facilities for the disabled are provided.

There are two nearby car parks and the main bus and rail stations are within walking distance.

The club's 10-month season runs from September to June, with regular monthly events normally on the third Friday, complemented by additional dates, making 15 gigs in total. Keep an eye on the programme,  the CJC website, our Facebook page for details.

Chichester Jazz Club works in collaboration with the University of Chichester. featuring appearances by students in small group formats and will do this as the season allows.